Sunday, June 04, 2006

Dancing In The Street

Yesterday was the first Saturday in June, and round these parts that means only one thing: the Stonehaven Feein' Market. The origin of this lies in the strong farming community, and the market was to bring together farmers wanting to hire help, and those looking for work. All would get together (and for many looking for work this meant a long journey) and haggle hiring prices, or fees (hence the name). Many towns had such a thing, so those unlucky ones could move on to a similar event elsewhere.

Those days are long gone now, but the tradition continues with a celebration days, market stalls, music, dancing and food and a festive atmosphere. Many stall-holders dress up in an olde style to hark back to the historic roots. It seems to be getting bigger each year, possibly with the concomitant revival in Farmer's Markets round the country - so "professional" marketeers rub shoulders with local amateur groups! My favourite is always the stall that serves
stovies, this year the Kinneff Young Farmers - thanks, guys...!


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