Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sympathy for the Devil

The original scary kid

The Omen 666. A very faithful cover version...but I still jumped a mile when the dogs attacked.... and the beheading was very, erm, imaginative....
OK, the comment. I like horror films. Sheesh, I like films. But I have to ask about what's going on. Sitting through the trailers recently, we get (for example): Omen 666 (remake), MI-3 (sequel), Poseidon Adventure (remake), Superman (?sequel), Casino Royale (remake/sequel). Spot a trend?
Then again, having sat through the Omen 666 with the majority of the audience being too young to remember the first one (heck, technically I'm too young to remember the first one), you can see the point. They don't want to see some "old film", even if it has more merit. Shine it up! FX it up! Make everyone in it younger! What was the original about again?
I remain unconvinced.


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